In May 2016, the average LPN pay was $44,090. Salaries differ greatly from state to state, but there are several reasons for this. One factor is that LPNs with more training and experience earn more money. Salary is also influenced by the cost of living and location. In some cities, LPNs may make more than in others. While you should never choose a career entirely on the basis of pay, knowing how much you could earn can help you choose between two states or similar jobs.
As a nurse, your pay is directly proportional to where you work. The average LPN salary in New Mexico is $56,080, whereas the average income in San Francisco/Oakland is $57,050. Because the cost of living varies widely by state and location, it is critical to examine it before making a decision. Salary budgets for entry-level LPN roles are also common in medical facilities.
Your earnings will be affected by the cost of living. The cost of living in some states is significantly greater. Your salary will be higher if you work in a heavily populated city. Keep in mind, however, that living costs in cities are also greater. You can expect a lesser pay if you reside in a remote location. In rural locations, you can also expect a higher standard of living. Rural locations have a cheaper cost of living in general, although housing expenditures are greater.
LPNs make a lot less money than RNs. However, if you’re lucky, you might be able to boost your compensation by earning extra certificates. These may assist you in obtaining a higher pay. Consider a few possibilities. More advanced training and certifications could help you make more money. Consider a higher-paying industry if you feel the urge to relocate to a different state. You can always go back to school and become an RN or an APRN if you want to increase your income.
A licensed practical nurse’s annual salary ranges from $20,000 to $77,000. Licensed practical nurses are in high demand all throughout the world, and they can work alone or as part of a health care team. These specialists’ income varies based on where they live and their level of education. They are mostly employed by government institutions, however they can also serve as health consultants on occasion. You can try transferring your training to another state if you believe you deserve a greater wage.
The median yearly wage for an LPN varies widely by state, but in the southern states, it is $32,250. In southern states like South Dakota, it is slightly higher. While LPNs earn slightly more than RNs, they have greater pay in general. In these states, the average LPN income is $44,550, which is much more than the national median for registered nurses. If you’re currently making a good living, you might want to explore moving to a more lucrative state.